How do you choose colors?

Disclosure: I am not affiliated with Sherwin Williams Paints or Valspar other than as a customer.

Choosing colors for a project can be difficult sometimes. How do you choose colors? When I was working on my book, Baby Afghans in a Weekend, I had to develop 12 different color combinations for the blankets… I am not a fan of the standard “baby” colors, the pastels. We had just bought our home, so I was in Sherwin Williams Paints A LOT. I know them by name in the Eustis FL store.

These are the colors I chose, I narrowed some of my choice down to. I then went to the yarn company websites I wanted to use and matched the colors of yarn with the chips. You can purchase the baby afghans separately on e-patterns central: Lemon Drop, Frog and Peach, Angel, Wild Child, Daddy’s Girl, Light Breeze, Raspberry Kisses, Sugar and Spice, Teddy Bear Blue, Beach Baby, Country Boy, Ahoy Matey.

Anyway, I realized I had professional color combinations right in front of me. I browsed through their inspiration booklets, take home for free, and got great ideas for baby colors.

I also discovered a great color resource for color in the home too. Their Color Snap tool, works on desktop and as an app on phone. You take a picture of say a pillow or curtains in your home, download the picture and it gives you colors available at the store to match the print. Below is a picture I took of an orchid at the Biltmore House gardens using the Color Snap visualizer. Amazing, right…

Nature is the best color coordinator!

I keep a folder of color inspiration at the ready and never pass by Sherwin Willliams paint store or the paint department without a peek and the current selections.

These are color inspiration sheets from Valspar. Maybe I’m on to something here.